3031 - Policy on Credit for Prior Learning


Policy Statement

Washtenaw Community College recognizes that students come to the College with competencies obtained from prior learning experiences such as work experience, previous training or education, and various forms of self-learning. To receive credit, a prior learning experience must be verified. If such learning is documented and evaluated to be equivalent to college level coursework, it is the College's policy to allow equivalent credit to be granted to the student.

Policy Criteria

  1. To receive credit, a prior learning experience must be verified by one or more of the following methods: Credit by examination, portfolio evaluation, or other College-approved technique for evaluating educational experiences that meets state or national criteria. Portfolio evaluation requires the submission of all supporting documentation with a non-refundable evaluation fee. If credit is awarded, the evaluation fee will be credited towards the per credit hour fee.
  2. Methods of verifying prior learning that require faculty involvement are to be applied consistently at the department or division level.
  3. Credit for prior learning will be evaluated and posted on the student's transcript.
  4. Credit earned from prior learning will not apply toward satisfying the minimum credits in residence required for graduation.
  5. The College will assess a per credit hour fee for credit by examination and prior learning assessment.


Students will be granted college credit for prior learning for which they have proven proficiency. WCC credit will encompass prior learning that, through verification methods, is equated to the outcomes of college course work.

Adopted: July 22, 1997
Administrative Review: May 2002
Revised: June 2015