6060 - Travel



Washtenaw Community College employees and other representatives who travel to attend conferences, seminars and workshops, or perform other work on behalf of the College, will be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the approved travel.

Policy Statement

Reimbursement for travel expenditures will be within budgetary and contractual limits and will be in accordance with established written procedures/guidelines. The traveler will be reimbursed for necessary expenditures incurred at the most reasonable cost to the College. Individuals traveling on behalf of the College will not be reimbursed for expenses of a personal nature such as laundry, dry cleaning, repair and maintenance of a personally owned vehicle, the personal portion of any travel, traffic or parking tickets, and expenses incurred by spouses and other non-College travel companions.

Outcomes of Policy Implementation

Persons who attend conferences, seminars, workshops or travel on behalf of the College are reimbursed for reasonable expenditures incurred in connection with that travel in a timely manner.

Adopted : February 22, 1996
Revised: February 23, 1982
Revised: September 24, 1996
Administrative Review: May 2002