8015 - Honorary Associate Degree Policy

Washtenaw Community College wishes to recognize through the extraordinary contributions of community persons to the advancement of Washtenaw Community College and its mission by the award of an Honorary Associate Degree in Community Services. Recipients will symbolize the true meaning of the College and the community college movement. Through their extraordinary and long-term commitment they have helped to make Washtenaw Community College an outstanding institution of higher education. They are worthy role models for our students and for the citizens of Washtenaw County.

The Honorary Associate Degree in Community Service is the highest honor given by Washtenaw Community College and parallels the honorary degree that is offered by baccalaureate institutions. It may be given to one or two persons per year at the annual commencement exercises. The granting of this Honorary Associate Degree is an important way of reinforcing the philosophy, mission and goals of the College. The following criteria will be used to determine Award of Honorary Associate Degree recipients:

  • Outstanding contribution to the development and advancement of Washtenaw Community College as a comprehensive institution.
  • Dedication and devotion to the idea of education for all people and strong advocacy of the community college mission.
  • Extraordinary long-term service to society which directly relates to Washtenaw Community College or the mission it represents.
  • Extraordinary achievement in a vocation which relates directly to Washtenaw Community College or the mission it represents.
  • A humanitarian who is committed to the democratic ideals of equal opportunity for all.

The Honorary Associate Degree in Community Service may be bestowed at the May Commencement and the recipient may be invited to make brief remarks.

Selection Process

The Board of Trustees will make the selection of the person or persons to be recognized with the Honorary Associate Degree. At the discretion of the Chair, an advisory committee made up of former recipients, current trustees and others may be appointed to assist in the process.

Adopted: September 13, 1988
Revised: October 22, 1996
Administrative Review: May 2002
Revised: March 28, 2006
Revised: April 24, 2012