8018 - Student Speech and Expressive Conduct Policy

The Board of Trustees affirms the importance of freedom of speech and artistic expression in the academic setting. Expression of diverse points of view in the course of academic pursuits is of highest importance to the open, lively, challenging spirit of inquiry that is basic to education.

In accordance with the educational mission of the College, the Board intends to provide students enrolled at the College with a forum for free expression. The Board delegates to the Associate Vice President for Student Services the authority to establish means for students to have access to College grounds, facilities, and resources for the purpose of expression, and, consistent with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, reasonable regulations to preserve safety and orderly conduct and to prevent litter or disruption of College operations.

In promoting freedom of expression among its students, the Board reaffirms its commitment to preserving College property as a nonpublic forum as to non-students. Unlike the public streets, sidewalks, and parks, the property, buildings, or facilities owned or controlled by the College are not open for assembly, speech, or other activities. The Board delegates to the Office of Conference Services the authority, consistent with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Board policy, to establish reasonable regulations for the use of campus grounds and facilities by non-students.

Adopted: July 24, 1990
Revised: June 25, 2002