HST 290 International Studies in History

This course will be available in Spring/Summer 2020.

This course offers students the opportunity to study history abroad. A week of daily lectures at WCC will provide the necessary context for understanding the history and culture of the study abroad location. These lectures will be followed by 1-2 weeks of international travel during which students will visit various historical sites and museums. This travel will provide students with an opportunity to acquire not only an in-depth understanding of the history of the study abroad location, but also an appreciation for the local culture and people that is at the heart of international study and cultural immersion. The course will be offered either as a stand-alone history course or in conjunction with ANT 290.

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; consent required 



Description Hours
Credits  3
Lecture Hours 15
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 60
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 75
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