2018-2019 Program Requirements for CVCPGM

C++ Programming (CVCPGM)

Advanced Certificate

Program is also available online.


This program prepares students for jobs as a computer programmer where they will write C++ code and develop applications utilizing object-oriented programming techniques. Students will also develop skills that can be applied to the related jobs of programmer/analyst and software architect.

Admissions Requirements

Prior programming experience is recommended. Students who have no programming experience should consider taking CPS 120.

Contact Information

Business/Computer Technologies
Computer Instruction Dept
Philip Geyer
Khaled Mansour


(Items marked with an icon online icon are available online.)

Major/Area Requirements
Class   Title Minimum Credits
CPS 171   Introduction to Programming with C++ 4
CPS 271   Object Features of C++ 4
CPS 272   Data Structures with C++ 4
Total 12
Total Credits Required