WCC Writing Placement Test

As part of the process of your becoming a student who takes courses for credit at WCC, we ask that you submit a sample of your writing for evaluation. We call this sample a writing placement test. It will help us to help you find the courses that are right for you at this time.

On the test, you will have several writing prompts to respond to. We ask that you choose just one of these prompts and respond with a 300-500 word essay.

A faculty member from WCC’s English/College Readiness Department will evaluate your writing sample according to the following criteria:

  • organization (logical order of ideas within and between paragraphs)
  • development (overall support of main idea; details, examples, and explanation that show the what, how, and why of your ideas)
  • language use and mechanics (academic vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation).

Please use the Free Handouts from the WCC Writing Center if you would like to have a refresher before you attempt this writing placement test.

Remember, your writing placement test should be an accurate reflection of your own writing. If outside assistance or plagiarism is suspected, the writing sample will not be accepted, and you may face disciplinary action as stated in WCC's Board of Trustees Policy 4095 Student Rights and Responsibilities, Academic Dishonesty.

Important: When the test is opened, you must complete these fields on the form, otherwise your credentials cannot be verified.

Complete these fields on the form.

Begin Writing Test