Raptor returns for WCC Earth Day April 11

Published on Apr 9, 2013 2:47pm by Janet Hawkins,

One of the many popular exhibits at the WCC Earth Day celebration each year is the live presentation by the Leslie Science Center. At this year’s event on Thursday, April 11, guests will learn more about birds of prey up close and personal.

The WCC Earth Day celebration takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Student Center building first floor. The raptor presentation with Leslie Science Center occurs from 11 a.m. to noon. All activities are free and open to the public.

Dale Petty, who teaches about renewable energy at WCC, said the event is primarily an educational one that brings people together to learn about and discuss ways in which we can live in a sustainable manner.

Nonprofits, governmental organizations, and businesses will be on hand to share information about solutions to the many environmental problems we face. A wide range of environmental issues will be discussed, including:

  • Climate action planning to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Educating young children to appreciate and care for the natural world
  • Food composting, recycling, green building, and energy management at WCC
  • Building healthy communities, workplaces, and personal lives through nursing care
  • Gardening, permaculture, and healthy food access
  • Green construction and heating and air conditioning systems
  • Green transportation: cycling, public transit, electric scooters, and hybrid automobiles
  • Keeping our wetlands, rivers, and lakes healthy
  • Natural area preservation and native plants
  • Recycling, vermin-composting (with worms), and reusing at WCC and in the community
  • Solar energy solutions for residential and commercial use
  • Wildlife, biodiversity, parks and recreation areas, and land conservation

For more information, contact Petty.