ACCT Appointment Announced

Rose B. Bellanca, Ed.D. WCC President

Washtenaw Community College President Rose B. Bellanca has been appointed to a two-year term on the Advisory Committee of Presidents for the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT). The announcement was made by ACCT President and CEO J. Noah Brown.

The purpose of the ACCT Advisory Committee of Presidents is to provide presidential perspective on the services, policies and positions of the Association.

The mission of ACCT is to foster greater understanding of and appreciation for community college boards; support boards in their efforts to develop public policies focusing on meeting community needs; help build board governance leadership and advocacy capacity through in-service education and training programs; and support boards through specialized services and programs.

“I am pleased to welcome Dr. Bellanca to the Association of Community College Trustees Advisory Committee of Presidents,” said Brown.  “The members of this committee provide unique insights from the college president’s perspective, which are used to help inform association services, policies, and positions.”

The ACCT Advisory Committee of Presidents is divided into five geographical regions. Bellanca will represent the Central region. Her appointment began in January 2014 and will continue through December 2015.