Reminder of Visitor Protocol



It was recently brought to the attention of President Bellanca that at the beginning of the winter semester, a faculty member had an uninvited visitor come to her classroom. Identifying themselves as a visitor from South America, the person asked to tour the classroom and take photos.  The faculty member asked her class how they might feel about a stranger taking pictures. When the students answered that they were uncomfortable, the faculty member asked the visitor to leave.

Faculty have every right not to allow uninvited or unknown visitors into the classroom, and are encouraged not to allow them in.  Faculty are free to invite visitors to attend, or visit their classes, but all uninvited visitors need to be cleared through the department dean or VPI  and should be accompanied when visiting classrooms or labs.

Photos of students may only be taken after a photo release is obtained and signed by the student. Releases are available through the Marketing department.

If a stranger or uninvited visitor asks to enter your classroom, please direct them to your dean or vice president’s office and security should be notified.