On Tuesday, April 15 there was an unfortunate physical altercation on the first floor
of the Student Center building involving three students. Currently, we are investigating
this incident and the students involved are participating in the investigation.
While this incident did not result in apparent injuries or the need for outside law enforcement support, it serves as a reminder that Washtenaw Community College is fully committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty and staff. We take great pride in the fact that incidents similar to this one are very rare on our campus or at college sponsored events, and are a direct violation of WCC’s policy on student rights and responsibilities. Based on that policy, the college will determine what disciplinary action is appropriate in this matter.
The primary purpose of our policy on student rights and responsibilities (Board of
Trustee Policy 4095) is to maintain an environment that is conducive to the educational
process and protects the safety and well-being of the college community. WCC encourages all students, faculty and staff to review this policy in order to maintain
the high standards we have in place to ensure success. The WCC policy on student rights
and responsibilities can be reviewed on the WCC website at Policy 4095. A copy of the policy can also be picked up at the Ombudsman’s office on the 2nd
floor of the Student Center.
Should you witness threatening behavior or the use of physical force or intimidation against another student, faculty or staff member, please contact WCC Campus Safety and Security immediately by calling 734-973-3411.