Strategic Plan Priority Four: Visibility and Branding

The fourth in a series of articles focusing on detailed updates on the priorities of the WCC 2012-15 Strategic Plan, Shaping Our Future

“Visibility and Branding” is the fourth of the eight priorities in the 2012-15 Strategic Plan Shaping Our Future. This priority focuses on how the college will place a concerted emphasis on visibility and branding with two areas of focus: marketing WCC as a “premier institution of postsecondary learning” and “enhancing external advocacy efforts” (both legislative and in the community).

As with other priorities, the first area of focus, marketing WCC as a “premier institution of postsecondary learning,” has been addressed by a priority team led by faculty and staff members. Faculty member Mike Galea and former Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations Annessa Carlisle oversaw best practice research for this priority throughout 2012-13 (Bryan Freeman will now be assuming her role on the team). Beyond the marketing campaigns currently underway at the college, the priority team sought to focus on bringing the outstanding reputation of WCC, its programs, and its faculty and staff to the fore of its goal development. As part of the goal to market WCC as a “premier institution” of postsecondary learning, the team has been pursuing the following action steps in 2013-14, and will continue to do so in 2014-15:

  • Action step for 2013-14: Introduce digital credentialing to encourage completion, heighten brand, and increase visibility. Update: A survey and research study of vendors and products for this project was completed at the end of 2013, and an assessment of internal capabilities begun in early 2014. A plan will be developed with the goal to have digital credentialing in place for students graduating in 2015.
  • Action step for 2013-14: Seek and obtain industry-specific awards, certifications, and/or rankings. Update: A survey of faculty and staff awards is planned for fall 2014, with a compilation of existing and potential awards to follow.

Thanks go to priority co-chairs Mike Galea and Annessa Carlisle for their leadership of this priority.

The second area of focus, “enhancing external advocacy efforts,” moved forward significantly in early 2013 with the hiring of Jason Morgan as Director of Government Relations. This new position provided WCC a distinct advantage over many other Michigan community colleges in that it gave the college a representative who was knowledgeable in legislation relevant to higher education, connected with legislators at the local, state and national levels, and able to advocate specifically for WCC on important legislative issues. This has been especially important in a period of rapidly changing legislation issues that directly impact community colleges and their funding, both at the state and federal levels.