Meeting state metrics increases WCCs funding

For the past two years, WCC has received the highest percentage increase of all 28 Michigan community colleges in budget dollars from the state. In the 2015-2016 budget the state has allocated a 3.7 percent increase in WCC’s funding, meaning an additional $466,500. In the 2014- 2015 budget the state allocated a 2.3 percent increase in WCC’s funding.

This allocation is based on WCC’s success in meeting the state’s new performance-based metrics in multiple areas, including the total number of certificate and associate degree completions in critical skills areas such as science, technology, engineering and math education and health fields.

Other metrics considered include weighted degree completions, enrollment, administrative costs as a percentage of core expenditures and best practices that enhance local strategic value, such as economic development and business partnerships, educational partnerships with K-12 schools and universities and also community services provided.