Dr. Bellanca speaks at 2015 Governors Economic and Education Summit

Dr. Rose Bellanca

In her role as Chair of the Talent Council of Region 9 of the Michigan Regional Prosperity Initiative, Dr. Bellanca spoke to an audience of approximately 1000 leaders in government, education and business at the 2015 Governor’s Economic and Education Summit on March 3. The Initiative was established by Gov. Rick Snyder and the state legislature in 2014 to encourage local partners to strategize on ways to create vibrant regional economies.

Region 9 includes the counties of Jackson, Hillsdale, Lenawee, Monroe, Livingston and Washtenaw counties.

Connecting business and education to achieve a skilled workforce

Dr. Bellanca focused her remarks on how a consortium of the region’s public/private, education and non-profit sectors developed a plan connecting business and education together to achieve a goal of a skilled workforce and a shared vision for investing in today’s high-demand occupations and those of the future.

New industries evolving

Her presentation highlighted how the state, region and global workforce is rapidly evolving with new industries, particularly in the areas of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Advanced Manufacturing and Information Technology, which require precise skills and talent. By citing the value of early education, examples were shared of how educators and business leaders across the region are teaching students with hands-on relevant learning experiences in elementary, high school and college settings to prepare them for 21st century jobs.

She concluded by noting the renowned research being conducted at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute in Ann Arbor on connected and automated vehicles. This research is proving that future jobs will require skills and knowledge in data analytics, embedded systems, cybersecurity, prototyping and computer science, among many others.