Post-Associate Certificate
The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Program is a post-associate advanced certificate program that is designed for registered radiologic technologists (ARRT), radiation therapists (ARRT), Sonographers (ARRT or ARDMS) and nuclear medicine technologists (ARRT or NMTCB). This program offers the didactic and clinical experience that will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are required to become an entry-level magnetic resonance imaging technologist. The curriculum is based on the recommended American Society of Radiologic Technology (ASRT) magnetic resonance imaging guidelines. Upon successful completion of the MRI program, students are eligible to take the ARRT post-primary certification examination in magnetic resonance imaging.
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2020-2021 Academic Requirements
The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Program is a post-associate advanced certificate program that is designed for registered radiologic technologists (ARRT), radiation therapists (ARRT), Sonographers (ARRT or ARDMS) and nuclear medicine technologists (ARRT or NMTCB). This program offers the didactic and clinical experience that will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are required to become an entry-level magnetic resonance imaging technologist. The curriculum is based on the recommended American Society of Radiologic Technology (ASRT) magnetic resonance imaging guidelines. Upon successful completion of the MRI program, students are eligible to take the ARRT post-primary certification examination in magnetic resonance imaging.
Washtenaw Community College uses a competitive admission process for high demand programs
in health care. Each year, approximately 12 students are accepted to the program for
a Winter semester start. There are multiple requirements that must be completed prior
to submitting an application for admission. For detailed information regarding admission
to this health care program, please visit our Health Care website at
Prerequisite and program requirements along with WCC's point system and scales are
reviewed annually and subject to change. Students are expected to meet the prerequisite
and program requirements of the catalog term for the semester in which they first
begin the program. Details regarding WCC's Admission to High Demand Programs policy
including priority levels are on WCC's Board of Trustees policy page: Details regarding WCC's point scales that are used to calculate points are on WCC's
Student Connection, Health and Second Tier Program information page .
Requirements for application are:
1. Admission to WCC.
2. Program prerequisite course:
a. Cross-sectional anatomy course from a JRCERT accredited college or hospital-based
radiography program or RAD 223. Minimum grade of B-/2.7.
3. Graduate of one (1) of the accredited programs below:
-Expected to graduate from WCC's Radiography program in the Spring/Summer semester
4. Current American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), American Registry
for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification
Board (NMTCB) registration card showing primary certification in one (1) of the following
-Radiography (R)
-Nuclear Medicine (N)
-Radiation Therapy (T)
-Expected to graduate from WCC's Radiography program in the Spring/Summer semester
5. Minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.0.
6. Signed Abilities Statement. WCC reserves the right to request, before and during
the program, that students successfully demonstrate specific physical and cognitive
abilities related to the program.
7. Residency verification.
A formal application and acceptance to the program is required. Application packets
may be downloaded from WCC's Student Connection, Health and Second Tier Program information page . Completed and signed applications must be submitted during the
dates indicated on the application to the Health and Second Tier Admissions Office
in the Student Connection, located on the second floor of the Student Center Building.
WCC Radiography students who are currently enrolled in the final year of their program
and expected to graduate in the Spring/Summer semester are given priority and may
submit an incomplete program application during the application window. It is strongly
recommended that WCC Radiography graduates schedule and sit for their ARRT Certification
Examination within the two weeks following the completion of their program. Verification
of all pending admission prerequisite requirements must be submitted within the deadline
to be eligible to begin the program if accepted.
Requirement After Acceptance
Upon notification of acceptance to the program, students must purchase an account
for a college-designated vendor to obtain a criminal background check and to track
their health records. The criminal background check and health records must be submitted
to the designated vendor before attending the mandatory program orientation session.
Specific information on the college-designated vendor will be included in the program
acceptance letter.
1. Additional criminal background checks may be conducted at any time during the program.
Students may be required to have drug testing as well as additional criminal background
checks and/or fingerprinting prior to the start of a clinical sequence as requested
by specific clinical facilities. Any student found to have a positive drug screen
for drugs prohibited by State of Michigan or Federal law (including marijuana) or
controlled substances will be dismissed from the program. Failure to receive an acceptable
criminal background/fingerprinting at any time, will result in dismissal from the
2. Students must complete any other health requirements as designated by the clinical
3. All Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) courses must be completed with a minimum
grade of C/2.0.
4. Students will be required to attend a hospital orientation session prior to starting
their clinical rotation.
5. Students will be required to purchase special uniforms and supplies throughout
the duration of the program.
6. Students are required to demonstrate that they have maintained competency in all
skills taught throughout their progression through the program.
7. Students must have reliable transportation to clinical education sites which may
require a commute of up to one hour.
8. Students who are dismissed from the program may not be eligible to reapply to
the program.

Semester 1 (Fall)
Semester 2 (Winter)
Semester 3 (Spring/Summer)
- Total Credits Required
- 29