Academic Intervention

Due to Covid-19 we will not run the Academic Intervention process at the end of the Summer 2020 semester.

We want to ensure that you make satisfactory progress toward achieving your educational goals. The basic standard of academic progress is:

  • Complete attempted credits
  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0

Successful completion is defined as receiving one of the following grades:

A (superior), B (excellent), C (average), S (satisfactory) or P (pass).

If you have attempted a minimum of 12 credit hours (which includes developmental courses) and failed to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0, WCC provides support and services to assist you in meeting your educational goals.

As a safeguard against further academic struggle, interventions and restrictions may also apply immediately in the case of the courses listed below:

  • REA 040
  • REA 050
  • REA 051
  • REA 070
  • REA 071
  • ENG 050
  • ENG 051
  • ENG 060
  • ENG 061
  • ENG 064
  • ENG 065
  • ENG 067
  • ENG 090
  • ESL 161
  • ESL 165

If you have attempted but not successfully completed any of the classes above, you must do one of the following for each class:

  • Take the course again and complete it successfully (REA 040, REA 050, REA 051, ENG 060, ENG 061, ENG 064, and ENG 067 are no longer offered. Choose the appropriate option below and talk to a counselor or advisor.)
  • Successfully complete a higher level course in the same area such as Reading or Writing, as recommended by a counselor or advisor
  • Achieve a College Level Reading or Writing score on the COMPASS test

Academic progress is evaluated after:

  • You’ve attempted 12 or more credits, or
  • At the end of a semester in which you have enrolled in 1 or more of the courses from the list above.

Academic intervention steps

Step 1: Academic Caution Status

A student is placed in Academic Caution Status if one of the following occurs:

  • After having attempted 12 or more credits, your cumulative GPA is less than 2.0.
  • You do not successfully complete each course attempted from the list above.


  1. You are notified by mail that you have been placed in Academic Caution Status on the second work day after grades are posted at the end of the semester.
  2. You will be placed on registration hold status (Academic Caution hold) by Enrollment Services and will be unable to register or change a registration until you see a counselor or advisor to develop an Academic Plan (AP).
  3. The AP will identify academic improvement strategies which will include interventions such as participating in the Student Success Seminar, tutoring, or study groups; working with Student Resource and Women's Center (SRWC); working with Learning Support Services on disability related accommodations or other issues; or fulfilling other interventions appropriate to the student's needs. The Academic Plan will be documented in the College's computer system and can be accessed by counselors and advisors.
  4. Once you and the counselor or advisor are satisfied with the AP, the counselor or advisor may lift the hold for the semester.
  5. Students in Academic Caution Status cannot take more than 12.5 credit hours. If you move into this status after registering for the upcoming semester, you will need to adjust you credit hours before the last week of registration. At that time, the College will adjust the schedules of any students who are over the credit hour limit.

A student in Academic Caution Status will progress to 1 of 3 steps:

  1. Good Standing: Cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher and you successfully complete each course attempted from the list above.
  2. Remain in Academic Caution Status: Cumulative GPA is below 2.0 but the semester GPA is 2.0 or higher and you successfully complete each course attempted from the list above.
  3. Academic Warning Status: Semester GPA is below 2.0 or you do not successfully complete each course attempted from the list above.

If a student in Academic Caution Status is likely to move into Academic Warning Status, the Academic Plan and your planned schedule should reflect no more than 8.5 credits (the limit for Academic Warning Status). If you move into this status after registering for the upcoming semester, you will need to adjust your credit hours before the last week of registration. At that time, the College will adjust the schedules of any students who are over the credit hour limit.

Step 2: Academic Warning Status:

A student who is in Academic Caution Status will be moved to Academic Warning Status if one of the following occurs:

  • Your semester GPA is 2.0.
  • You do not successfully complete each course you attempt from the list above.


  1. You are notified by mail that you have been placed in Academic Warning Status on the second work day after grades are posted at the end of the semester.
  2. You are placed on registration hold status (Academic Warning hold).
  3. You cannot take more than 8.5 credit hours. Students who move into this status after registering for the upcoming semester will need to adjust their credit hours before the last week of registration. At that time, the College will adjust the schedules of any students who are over the credit hour limit.
  4. You must see a counselor or advisor to:
  5. Update your Academic Plan (AP)
  6. Register or change a registration to include one of the following required Intervention Courses:
  7. Academic Skills credit courses: ACS 065, ACS101, ACS105, ACS107, ACS121 or ACS122.
  8. Other approved courses designated by a counselor or advisor which may include: a non credit success course, seminar, or workshop; repeating an academic course previously taken; or another designated course.
  9. Once you and your counselor or advisor are satisfied with the AP, the counselor or advisor may lift the hold for the semester.

A student in Academic Warning Status will progress to one of three steps:

  1. Good Standing: Cumulative GPA is ≥2.0 and you successfully complete each course attempted from the list above.
  2. Move back to Academic Caution Status: If semester GPA is ≥2.0, you complete 66% of attempted credits, and successfully complete each course attempted from the list above.
  3. Face Suspension: If one of the following occurs:
  4. You do not achieve a semester GPA of ≥2.0.
  5. You do not complete 66% of attempted credits.
  6. You do not successfully complete each course attempted from the list above.

Step 3: Academic Suspension

A student who is in Academic Warning Status will be be suspended if one of the following occurs:

  • Your semester GPA is 2.0.
  • You do not successfully complete 66% of attempted credits.
  • You do not successfully complete each course you attempt from the list above.

The soonest suspension can occur for any student is the end of your 3rd semester.

Suspension process

You are notified by mail that you have been suspended and of the length of the suspension. A letter will be mailed to you on the second work day after grades are posted at the end of the semester.

  1. First suspension: you will be suspended according to the semester in which the student was in Academic Warning Status but failed to make sufficient progress, eg:
    1. from fall semester, you will be suspended for winter term
    2. from winter semester, you will be suspended for fall term
  2. Second or subsequent suspension: you will be suspended for 1 full year starting from the date of the suspension.

When you return from suspension, you are in Academic Warning Status.

Appeals process

The deadline to appeal an academic suspension for Winter 2020 is 6pm on Monday, January 6th.

  • You may appeal your suspension to the Suspension Appeals Committee (SAC) by sending a letter of appeal to the committee in care of the Dean of Academic Placement, Counseling & Support Services. Appeal letters must be received by the Dean's office by the deadline listed above.
  • The SAC meets in January, June and August to review all appeals for the upcoming semester. The committee will accept or deny each student's appeal. The SAC will be chaired by a dean from one of the academic divisions.
  • The SAC chair is responsible for notifying all students who have appealed of the committee's decision prior to the last day of registration.
  • If the appeal is denied, pre-registered students will automatically be dropped from all of their courses.
  • If you choose not to appeal, then the suspension process as outlined above goes into effect.

Possible outcomes

  • If the suspension is waived by the SAC, you will return in Academic Warning Status.
  • If the suspension is upheld by the SAC
  • First suspension: you will be suspended as outlined above in 1A of the Suspension Process.
  • Second or subsequent suspension, you will be suspended as outlined above in 1B of the Suspension Process.
  • The SAC may impose other appropriate enrollment restrictions.

Note: The academic progress criteria for the Academic Intervention Program and Financial Aid are not the same. Please see Academic Progress for more information regarding financial aid.