Selecting the program year for meeting graduation requirements
In meeting program requirements for graduation, you must complete your program based on the requirements in effect for a particular academic year.
You may use the program requirements in effect during the academic year in which you:
- Started taking classes
- Initially enrolled in your program (if the program is still active)
- Changed your program
- Completed your program
You can find the different academic years on your program page.
Note: Returning students who have not taken classes at WCC for 2 or more academic years must meet the program requirements in effect at the time they are readmitted.
Discontinued programs
When a program is discontinued, you are given a specified amount of time to complete the program (usually 3 years), after which you must change to a different program. If you change programs, you should see a program advisor to select appropriate courses and make course substitutions as necessary.
Course substitutions
Courses required for a program of study may be substituted by other courses only with the approval of:
- Your program advisor,
- The appropriate division dean, and
- The vice president for Instruction.
A course substitution form must be filed with the Student Records Office.
Waiver of program requirements
Under extreme circumstances, a required course may be waived with the approval of your program advisor, the division dean, and the vice president for instruction. You must file a Waiver of Program Requirements form with the Student Records Office.