You can afford to study abroad—no matter what your budget is. Don’t let expenses stand in the way of an experience of a lifetime. Financial help is available! You may be able to apply for scholarships or use financial aid to help fund study abroad courses if eligible. Check with WCC Financial Aid Office for help with financial aid or applying for a WCC Foundation scholarship. And check out these other resources: - Information on scholarships and financial assistance specifically for study abroad.
Rotary Club Scholarships - Find out about international scholarships designed to promote global goodwill.
Fulbright Scholarships - Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about the Fulbright program. Sponsored by Institute of International Education.
Global Education Oregon - GEO includes scholarships for non-University of Oregon students, so that every interested student can participate in a study abroad experience.
Colleges, Universities, and Scholarships - Lists admissions offices and financial aid office contact information for thousands of colleges throughout the U.S.
U.S. Department of Education - Links to information on studying abroad, financial aid, and other topics.
The Financial Aid Information page - Covers just about everything you would like to know about Financial Aid—an essential resource!