Our Entrepreneurs

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Entrepreneur Spotlight

See below for profiles on a few of our “spotlight” EC Entrepreneurs!

Oana P

Oana Livia Popa

“I believe the journey of an entrepreneur is an original and unexpected path, sometimes not the straightest, direct line, but the idea is to learn along the path, empower others, and always enjoy the journey.”

Read more about Oana
Dr. Jeff O'Boyle

 Jeff O'Boyle

 "Stay positive and network with as many people as you possibly can. As entrepreneurs, we will have nine failures for every one success. Getting it wrong is part of getting it right. The really great entrepreneurs write off their mistakes as experience, and cultivate a constant need to learn."

Read more about Jeff
Rebecca Wittekindt

 Rebecca Wittekindt

“You can’t have everything right away, you have to grow with your business, it is a very organic relationship. Make big goals, create projects and make small steps that move you forward.  You have to start somewhere and each day is an opportunity. Today is an opportunity!”

Read more about Rebecca
Pete Raciti

Pete Raciti

“Believe in yourself and what you are doing. If you don’t, no one else will. Investors and customers have to believe in you before they will work with you. Also, don’t give up. If you are doing the right things, for the right reasons, it will happen!”

Read more about Pete
Shannell Smith

Shanell Smith

“When you put your time and dedication into your business, thinking of even doing a small change is not something you may want to do or embrace because you feel so connected to what you are building as an entrepreneur. However, business is all about change and evolving – look at change as a positive thing and you will be amazed at how things can grow for you and your business!”

Read more about Shanell
Janet Wolforth

Janet Wolforth

“Talk to people about your idea! Don’t be afraid to tell people what it is you are planning to do. Seek people out who can give feedback on the idea followed by the design of a new product.”

Read more about Janet
Zach Pryor

Zach Pryor

“I love brainstorming new ideas, meeting people, and proving that successful entrepreneurship is possible regardless of age.”

Read more about Zach
Jason Lee

Jason Lee

“I love the fact that I can create and shape an environment designed to make me most productive … I’m happier and believe I am making a bigger impact to society by creating solutions that did not previously exist.”

Read more about Jason
Aaron Richison

 Aaron Richison

“Consistency is key! Every day strive to be better, be a sponge within your industry and the biggest piece of advice I could give would be to never be afraid to take a risk, that’s why we are entrepreneurs, we are willing to take risks when others are more hesitant.”

Read more about Aaron
Krisin Anne Danko

Kristin Anne Danko

“Starting a business is just one long learning process. I had a mantra I said to myself when we were starting out: ‘Leap and the net will appear.’ I knew I just had to take the risk and now it’s paying off!”

Read more about Kristin
Haiying Gan

Haiying Gan

“Light Orange Bean is a food blog that I post recipes I developed along with eye-catching food photography I captured. My audiences are from every part of the world and they are lovers of healthy recipes (especially gluten-free and vegan). Besides running the food blog, I’m also a photographer providing photography services to local businesses, especially restaurants.”

Read more about Haiying
Karen L. Driggs

Karen L. Driggs

“The opportunity to support a healthy lifestyle for busy people (motivates me to be a business owner). I appreciate the income stream and the ability to be part of the community with this service.”

Read more about Karen
Liv Buttons

Liv Buttons

“I’m driven to be a business owner because I fervently believe in the positive power of business. I see a lot of negative stigma surrounding capitalism and big business– especially in my generation– and it’s warranted. I started Liv Buttons as a social enterprise; I wanted to use it as an example of how to break norms and conduct business differently.”

Read more about Liv
Betty Chaffee

Betty Chaffee

“Until people know your product or service exists and has value for them, there may be little or no demand. Be ready to put yourself out there in front of people!”

Read more about Betty
George Pariseau

George Pariseau

“Stepping into entrepreneurship has been a tremendous growth experience: I’m a better human being because of it and I’m looking forward to the life long journey this path is taking me on.”

Read more about George
Jackman and Wooley

Kate Jackman and Jennifer Wooley

“It’s great to have a passion you want to share, but businesses are 80-90% all the ‘other stuff’ and only 10-20% the fun stuff…Be aware of that and make sure you are willing to do all the hard work that gets your passion in the hands of those that will appreciate it.”

Read more about Kate and Jennifer
Mary Lou Stropoli

Mary Lou Stropoli

“Creativity is not only a great way to spend our time, it’s also a fantastic way to keep minds active and elastic.”

Read more about Mary Lou
Nathan Ayers

Nathan Ayers

“Don’t ever settle. It is possible to create a career and business that fulfills all of your goals, be they professional, artistic, economic or community impact related.”

Read more about Nathan
Red Jennings

Red Jennings

“Your character will develop right along with your business. You will start to learn new fascinating things about yourself as you dedicate your time to your dreams.”

Read more about Red
Alicia Myers

Alicia Myers

“When you have a business, the most important thing is filling a need that you’re passionate about. Because passion drives determination and having determination to do something right will lead you towards success.”

Read more about Alicia
Vardan Sargsyan

Vardan Sargsyan

“What drives me to become a business owner is the ability it gives me to serve my local community.”

Read more about Vardan

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