User Services

User Services provides desktop computer hardware, software, support and training for Washtenaw Community College and its outreach centers.

The Help Desk is the single point of contact for any computer problems or requests by faculty and staff. Requests for help/service should be reported to the Help Desk. Requests for college software for home use (Microsoft Office) also are made through the Help Desk.

User Support technicians are responsible for the installation, upgrading and maintenance of all computer systems. They respond to Help Desk tickets as well as implement new software and technology. They strive to ensure that all faculty and staff have computing technology that will allow them to achieve goals outlined by the college mission and directly impact student success.


User Services  Administrators are responsible for implementing and maintaining the college’s servers that are used for all tasks not associated with the college’s enterprise database system. They research, test, and implement new methods of supporting the needs of the faculty, staff, labs, and classrooms.

The User Support Training is responsible for training all faculty and staff on new or upgraded software. We provide class sessions that can be scheduled through Kalpa. We work closely with all departments and provide Professional Development training for all college standard software, including the college’s enterprise database system.

The User Support team is continually exploring new programs, tools, and technologies to provide cutting edge desktop support that will enhance and improve productivity for all college employees and students.


Nicholas Hunt
User Services Manager
Information Technology Services